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Windows are designed to provide long-term weather protection but being exposed to the elements 24/7 means they are bound to experience different kinds of problems down the line. While high-end windows tend to be more resistant to wear and tear, even those aren’t completely protected from common window problems. Fortunately, these problems don’t automatically spell doom for your windows. Knowing what causes each problem, what they can cause, and how to deal with them will go a long way towards making the most out of your windows.


Moisture Damage

Water is one of the biggest causes of deterioration in windows. Rainwater that would have otherwise made its way into the home are effectively blocked out by the window, but that same water can get between the smallest gaps in the unit and stay there even after the rain stops. Water absorbed by wood’s porous surface can weaken it, causing the material to rot.


UV Damage

If you think windows are safe as long as it’s not raining, think again. Ultraviolet rays can also pose a threat to windows, particularly their outermost surface. In some cases, constant exposure to the sun’s UV rays cause fading or discoloration, but the exposure can also cause paint or other protective layers to degrade and peel off much faster than expected.


Impact Damage

During bad weather, strong winds tend to cause various objects to fly around, increasing changes of breaking windows due to impact. Take note though that impact damage doesn’t always have to result in a gaping hole in the middle of your window to be a concern; even small hairline cracks can cause all sorts of problems such as drafts and possible water leakage, weakening the entire glass area which can cause another problem when not addressed.


These outside factors might be nasty, but window problems can also be caused by the window itself! Read on to find out more in the second part of our blog series.