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Replacing your old, unsightly, drafty, and jerky windows makes sense for many reasons. Spending on repairs may be your first instinct, but a replacement gives more value for your money.

Window Replacement

As a top provider of windows in Ann Arbor, MI, Tittle Brothers Construction explains why window replacement is a better route to take than repair work in many cases. Here are the best reasons:

A Replacement Is Financially Sensible

If your window problems require a great deal of time and energy to repair, you might spend less on labor to replace them. Understand the severity of the issue and see if your windows need some repair work. If most of them have major issues, it’s more reasonable financially to replace them with new, efficient products. After all, it’s not always worth the expense and effort to restore old windows back to full functionality.

Old Fixtures Are High-Maintenance

Dealing with the same old, heavy window maintenance comes with retaining your old, wood fixtures. Old windows need regular, often demanding, forms of upkeep, including scraping and painting. On the other hand, modern products are made of composite wood that practically throws maintenance out of the window. Our double-hung windows in Ann Arbor are easy to clean and maintain; they even have a tilt-in feature to make this chore a picnic.

Restoring a Non-Historic Window Can Cost More

When it comes to damaged historic fixtures, window repair in Ann Arbor is paramount to preserve their value. If your windows are less than 30 years old, however, they actually hold not that much importance. In fact, replacing them completely could dramatically boost your home’s efficiency and curb appeal.

Still on the fence about whether to repair or replace? Tittle Brothers Construction can help you decide and provide the excellent window services your home needs. Call us now at (877) 228-5658, and schedule your free in-home consultation.