
#1 Roofing Company In Southeast Michigan


financing for home improvement projects

Budgeting for your roof replacement properly is one of the keys to ensure its success. Since many factors could affect your project’s cost, deal with re-roofing’s financial aspect with caution to get everything done without visiting a disaster on your budget.


To plan your roofing project’s budget right, Tittle Brothers Construction shares some sound pieces of advice:

Ask for a Detailed Estimate

A roofing estimate shows all material and labor expenses. Some roofers don’t proactively detail every single item and only give a list in the contract. Not knowing the breakdown of the overall cost could lead to misunderstandings, ultimately making your budget a nightmare.

Roofing estimates vary because contractors offer different products and provide dissimilar services. Don’t assume company B is willing to do everything company A promises. Demand a detailed estimate to do your due diligence properly.

Avoid Change Orders

Change orders would always affect your initial roofing budget, potentially putting you in a bad financial situation when unprepared. Although some change orders are inevitable, you should make every effort to reduce the need to do them.

One way to avoid change orders is to set your priorities straight. As you explore your product options, there’s a good chance you’d find something more attractive than your first options, which could increase your costs. Stick to your budget and fight the urge to include unnecessary upgrades along the way.

Furthermore, what concerns your contractor about your roofing project. Through inspections, professional roofers could already predict hidden structural problems. Knowing the unexpected beforehand could help you budget accordingly.

Don’t Forget about Contingencies

Speaking of preparing for the unknown, allot about one-fifth of your budget for contingencies. Most experts say that good roofing budgets are those that could absorb an extra 20% of the initial, overall cost of the job in additional expenses. This way, you could fund any necessary extra work, preventing delays.

Budget for your roofing project in Ann Arbor, MI, with ease. Call Tittle Brothers Construction now at (877) 228-5658 to schedule your free, in-home estimate. We’ll be happy to discuss every detail of your re-roofing job without no obligation required on your part.