
#1 Roofing Company In Southeast Michigan


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Video Blog

Maintaining a dry and damage-free home involves making sure that your roof remains in top form. You can make this possible by preventing all-too familiar issues, like roof leaks, before they result in extensive water damage to your home.

While roof leaks are a minor annoyance, leaving them unattended can lead to a weakened home’s structure. Aside from encouraging mold growth, leaks can also worsen enough to cause premature roof failure. You’ll want to avoid an early roof replacement, especially when you can prevent leaks from happening in the first place.

In this video blog, Tittle Brothers Construction, your expert for roofing in Birmingham, MI, shares how you can prevent leaks in your roof.

1. Examine your roof’s edge. This means specifically checking your gutters’ condition. Make sure they’re healthy and free from clogging. Check behind the gutters, or drip edge, for signs of rot in the wood, which is a common indication of roof leaks.

2. Be on the lookout for broken seals. Check the top of your roof, particularly the area around skylights, pipes, chimneys, and other components that pop up from your roof’s surface. Confirm if the seals around them are still intact. You should also make sure that the roof’s valley flashing is in good shape. It covers your roof’s most vulnerable areas, so check them for cracks and holes.

Any torn or loosened flashing should prompt a speedy consultation from your expert in roofing in Birmingham, Tittle Brothers Construction. Through quality repair work from our professional crew, we’ll help you deal with your roof’s leaks.

3. Check the inside of your attic. Some indications of roof leaks can be inside your home too. Using your flashlight, climb up your attic and check the wood work for mold and mildew. This occurs when wood is constantly exposed to water. Other obvious signs include excessive indoor moisture, which can also cause your insulation to fail long before it should.

Before roof leaks compromise your home’s comfort and structural integrity, go for a thorough roof inspection and repairs from Tittle Brothers Construction. We’ll visit your home and determine your roof’s condition. You can also count on us to perform the necessary repairs to restore your Birmingham roofing to rights and extend its life span. We’ll help you achieve optimum weather protection and performance for your home when you choose us to deal with your roof leaks.

Call us today at (877) 228-5658 or fill out this form to get a free estimate.